as Mizutani Paint
Forward to sustainable world.
Realize by paint
Keep growing with society
History of Mizutani Paint
- Resin developing
- Manufacturing
- Productization
Mizutani Paint reached 99th at 2021 has been along with everyone upholding philosophy of social contribution through our business.
We are producing the product fitting with the times, also with good quality based on integrated manufacturing from resin to paint, and we are promoting water-based system grasping the needs in market.
Contribute to achievement of SDGs
through business activity
Paint much using chemical substances was naturally solvent paint made from petroleum resources.
We launched water-based paint equaled solvent-based paint in the market where the water-based paint had been said to be weak, and succeed to develop the product "Not only environment but also friendly to all who related it".
We always keep going to one step ahead and contribute to achievement of SDGs through business activity.
Action on Environment

Mizutani Paint that is creating new technology putting up a slogan as "Frontier spirit" have proceeded product enabled to reduce limited resources of petroleum.
[NANO COMPOSITE series] of exterior wall paint and [BIOMASS R-Si] of roof paint succeeded to develop to drastically reduce petroleum resources.
We contribute to sustainable society of guidelines of SDGs by acting Global warming countermeasures.
- BIOMASS R-Si replaced exhaustible petroleum resources to eco-friendly biomass resources through Industry-Academia-Government collaboration. We protect the earth by eco-friendly paint.
- NANO COMPOSITE W was developed with significantly reducing ratio of petroleum resources. It marks 15 years of the launching. We are selling fluorine type NANO COMPOSITE F and specializing of anti-mold function NANO COMPOSITE W BOUMO PLUS as the series of that.
By Paint!
Sustainable cities
and Communities

That is "Paint" enabled to color to the city.
Keeping to beautiful city as long as possible by paint makes everyone happy, meanwhile it enables to the sustainable cities and communities.
We have developed the one and only product in the world using our original technology.
Associate with Customers,
Associate with Employees

Manufacturer takes responsibility of manufacturing, and develop the eco-friendly product.
Also, we take responsibility of using by applying by reliable painter as we have installed Partner system which to be close partner.
Supporting the Job satisfaction to employees makes us be in union, and grow to achieve the goal of SDGs.
At the same time, we believe that it will lead to economic growth.